If I take your example then '=RC+1' means that the formula is referring to a row which is two rows up (-2) and in the same column (0). Here the first cell in the range is 6 rows before the cell R7C2 and 1 column before the cell R7C2 and similarly for the last cell in the range. For example, if you have 5 values from R1C1 to R5C1 and the range is called from R7C2, then the range would be RC:RC. In R1C1 reference style, the range is referred by how far the cells are located from the cell you are calling. It is very easy to understand the R1C1 style You can always switch the style but it will only be applied to the worksheet and if you record a macro it will still show R1C1 reference style. The macro will always record in R1C1 style.